If you come back and surrender to the same bandit, a new dialogue sequence will open where you admit that you enjoyed it, and then new animations will play for consensual sex.
IF you don't want to risk dying (or you really enjoy being raped) you can surrender and the bandits will then open dialogue where you can try to persuade them to leave you alone and let you go or just let them do what they want. If you fail or the scene procs again, the same bandit will rape you again, or maybe a different one will take a turn, and possibly multiple bandits will have their way with you. When done, you drop to the ground again for a few moments where you can struggle again, if you succeed, you get up and can run away but the bandits become hostile again and will try to kill you.
The bandit strips you naked, drops your weapons on the ground, and then animations of the bandit - you are played. You must now spam keys/buttons as stated in the hot keys to fill up a struggle meter before the bandit overcomes you, you fail. The scene procs and you drop to the ground prone. You fight, the bandits get the better of you, you're dropped below 20% hp if that's what it's set to. Basically, if it's all set up properly, you'll enter combat as normal.